New Paths To Dual Citizenship: Recent Changes To The Nationality Law Make It Easier For Germans To Obtain South African Citizenship

The Bundestag recently passed a groundbreaking amendment to the Nationality Act (StAG), which massively simplifies the acquisition of dual citizenship. This new regulation is of great importance – both for foreign citizens who want to acquire German citizenship and for Germans who want to acquire foreign citizenship.

Let’s take Max Müller’s example: As a German who has been living in South Africa with a permanent residence permit for more than five years, he would like to acquire South African citizenship. Under the old legislation, this was a complex process requiring a retention application to be made. This step was necessary in order not to lose German citizenship if a foreign nationality was adopted.

Thanks to the change in the law, Max will be able to become a South African in the future in an unbureaucratic manner without having to give up his German passport. This opens up new possibilities for everyone who is at home in two worlds. Good news for Max and positive developments for all of us!
